Riverside Gatherings Update
At the moment the governments "Plan B" guidelines are still in place.
This means that we are gathering every Sunday at 10.50am but masks are required to be worn unless exempt There is ventilation for the services and each service will include a message, sung worship and a chance to pray. There will be no drinks or gatherings at the end of the services at this time.
We do however appreciate that meeting in person isnt for everyone so we have made provision online too.
Every Sunday at 10.50am there will be a service streamed live online. You can see this live stream in either of the following ways:
1. Facebook.
Simply go to our Facebook page, 'Riverside Elim Church', at 11am and you will see the service streamed there live. Not only that but we will have people manning the live stream so that if you have any prayer requests live they can be responded to. Remember the Sunday celebration isn't just about watching but engaging and we want to engage with you live as it happens.
2. YouTube.
If you don't have a Facebook account you can still access the live stream through our YouTube channel. Simply go to YouTube and search for 'Riverside Elim'. Please subscribe (it's free) and click on the channel and you will be able to see the service live-streamed there too!
We live in a world of uncertainty and I have been reminded this week that there is one certainty we can all hold onto and that is Jesus Christ! He is our king, healer and saviour. Let's keep reaching out to Him. Let's keep trusting Him. Knowing He is BIGGER than all of this. He will never leave us. He will never forsake us. He is always with us and we are never alone.
God bless,
Steve Robinson
Riverside Elim Church