
Giving in person
Every week during our Sunday meeting we look to give members and regular attendees the opportunity to give financially into the life and work of the church.
Giving by Standing Order/GiftAid
You can give monthly by standing order. Also, if you are a UK taxpayer, please consider using GiftAid, which enables us to reclaim the tax you have paid, and so increases the value of your gift. If you would like to set this up please download our Standing Order and Gift Aid form. If you do not want to give by standing order, just complete the Gift Aid part. Once you have completed this form please send it to the church address - Riverside Elim, Dog Lane, Bewdley, DY12 2EF - and we can get you set up on the Gift Aid system. If you have any queries on this please email liz@riversideelim.com.
Online Giving
If you’d like to give online today, you can do so securely using the 'Donate Now' button below.
Smartphone giving by text
All you need to do for this is to text 'CB007' to the phone number 64647.
You will then get a text back with a link on it. If you click on that link and follow the instructions you can choose an amount to give to Riverside with your bank card details.
The text is charged at your normal rate and there is no other charge to you for using this system. You can also gift aid your offering if that is applicable to you.
Give with Givt app
Givt is an app that allows you to participate in the offering anytime and anywhere. Open the app, choose how much you want to give, choose how you want to give and you're done!
First of all download the Givt app, set it up with your personal details and account details along with whether you would like to Gift Aid your donations.
Once set up choose the amount you want to give, on the next screen choose 'give from the list' and then select 'Riverside Elim Church Bewdley'. You then tap 'Give' at the bottom of your screen.